The Ghost And The Virus
Film Category: Grounded 2020
Country of Production: India
Director: Avirup Biswas
Running Time: 10 mins
This story based on the time of corona virus(COVID-19) pandemic. An Indian boy who lives in Kolkata, the capital of the state of West Bengal, does not want to stay at home at all. The government has asked Quarantine to stay at home but he will not stay. This boy is a cigarette addict suffering from mental illness at the time of the epidemic.None of his friends give him cigarettes because they are not willing to leave the house, disobeying the law of this government. Because the government has asked everyone to stay home for the corona virus. The police can arrest them if they leave the house for no reason.
Atlas the boy arrange a planchette to call a ghost and use him to bring a cigarette from market in lockdown | But ultimately he appeared and shared his death story , that he died for the cause of coronavirus disease. And the boy understand the value of the lockdown and the threat of the coronavirus and he committed to stay in his home.