Here is the full list of nominations and winners from the 2015 Marbella International Film Festival.
The nominations for the best Animations (Presented by Charles Burns)
1. A Beat in The Forest
2. Bye Bye Dandelion
3. Daewit.
The winner is: Daewit (Received by Svetlana Axford, Director of Antivirus on behalf of the winner)
Language: German
Year of production: 2015
Director: David Jansen
Length of film: 15 minutes
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A wolf child, a cat, an angel. Daewit is rescued from his violent father and grows up far away from his family among wolves. He is released into a world in which he grows from a child to a man weary of life. Embarking on a mysterious journey to find his own identity, he encounters great hardship but ultimately finds peace in forgiveness.Sinopsis:
Un niño lobo, un gato, un ángel. Daewit es rescatado de su violento padre y crece lejos de su familia entre una manada de lobos. Él es liberado en un mundo en el que de niño a hombre, la vida le aburre.BEST SHORTER SHORTS
The nominations for the best Shorter Shorts (Presented by Ricardo Acevedo Moran the Assistant Director of H10 Andalucía Plaza Hotel)
1. Soledad
2. Party of Two
3. Changed Man
The winner is: Party of Two (Received by the Director of the film Eugenia Llaguno )
Party Of Two
Language: Spanish
Year of production: 2014
Director: Eugenia Llaguno
Length of film: 14 minutes
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The night of their sixth anniversary, a successful marriage comes together to celebrate and the wife announces its long awaited pregnancy. The husband enraged because of a secret he had kept jealously. Faced with their own lies must decide whether even have a future and if there is hope for them.Sinopsis:
La noche de su sexton aniversario, la mujer anuncia su tan esperado embarazo. El marido enfurece a causa de un secreto que había guardado celosamente. Cara a cara con sus propias mentiras, ellos deben decidir si tienen futuro juntos.BEST SHORT FILM
The nominations for the best Shorts: (Presented by Allan Bowley, also Allen T. presenter of TRE and Festival Judge)
1. In Another Life
2. Another Love
3. Anti Virus
The winner is: Another Love (Received by the Director of the film Victor Perez )
Another Love
Language: English
Year of production: 2015
Director: Victor Perez
Length of film: 20 minutes
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A pregnant married woman struggles to tell a much older man that their affair is over.Sinopsis:
Una mujer casada y embarazada lucha por contarle a un hombre mucho mayor que ella que su historia ha terminado.BEST DOCUMENTARY
The nominations for the best Documentary: (Presented by Steven Euesden, Euro Weekly News )
1. Street Kids United
2. Silhouette Secrets
3. CE Trade Mark For Sale
The winner is: Street Kids United (Received by the producer of the film Conrad Alleblas)
Street Kids Untied II Girl From Rio
Language: Portugese/ English
Year of production: 2015
Director: Maria Clara
Length of film: 1 hour 18 minutes
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Streetkids United II - The Girls From Rio is a documentary film about a life-changing experience for a group of girls from the favelas in Rio de Janeiro, the Favela Street Girls, who are chosen to represent Brazil during the Street Child World Cup 2014.Sinopsis:
Documental sobre la experiencia de las niñas criadas en favelas en Río de Janeiro, quienes son elegidas para representar a Brasil durante la Street Child World Cup 2014.BEST STORY
The nominations for the best Story: (Presented by the TV celebrity and writer Nick Knowles)
1. Far too Far
2. Christmas Star
3. Dark Rome
The winner is: Far Too Far (Received by the writer director of the film Justin Hunt)
Far Too Far
Language: English
Year of production: 2015
Director: Justin Hunt
Length of film: 1 hour 56 minutes
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Linda is an attractive, intelligent single mother of a nine year old daughter, whom she affectionately calls 'Bug'. After being convinced by a friend to join her for a house party, Linda makes one bad decision that sends her life down the deep, dark downward spiral of Meth abuse.Sinopsis:
Linda es una atractiva e inteligente madre soltera de una niña de 9 años a la que cariñosamente le llama Bug. Después de que una amiga la convenza de que vaya con ella a una fiesta, Linda toma una decisión equivocada que la envía cuesta abajo hacia a una espiral oscura, profunda provocada por el abuso Meth.BEST FILM MUSIC
The nominations for the best Film Music (Presented by Michael Davenport, Hollywood music producer)
1. Antivarious
2. Christmas Star
3. Single in south Beach
The winner is: Single in South Beach (Received by Alex Itkin Director/Producer of the film)
Single In South Beach
Language: English
Year of production: 2015
Director: Alejandro Itkin
Length of film: 1 hour 27 minutes
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Love, money and sex mark this tale of never-ending single life in South Beach. Amy, an overconfident attractive single woman confuses love with money and becomes a victim of the materialistic nature of South Beach.Sinopsis:
Amor, dinero y sexo marcan la historia de nunca acabar de la vida de los solteros en South Beach. Amy, una mujer autosuficiente y atractiva, confunde el amor con el dinero y se convierte en una víctima del materialismo en South Beach.BEST ACTING
The nominations for the Best Acting: (Presented by Elliot Wright, TV personality)
1. Bradley Monclova for Far too Far
2. Kevin Leslie for The Rise of the Krays
3. Yoshi Kuroiwa for Another life
The winner is: Kevin Leslie for The Rise of the Krays (Received by Kevin Leslie)
The Rise Of The Krays
Language: English
Year of production: 2014
Director: Zackary Adler
Length of film: 1 hour 47 minutes
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An epic period gangster film based on the true story of London's most feared and respected villans.Sinopsis:
Película de un período épico sobre gánsteres basada en la historia real de los villanos más temidos y respetados de Londres.Best Director
The nominations for the Best Director (Presented by Andy Loveday the CEO of Carnaby International)
1. Solders of the Damned
2. Rise of the Krays
3. Arthur & Merlin
The winner is: Solders of the Damned (Received by the Producers Nigel Horne & Miriam Cooke)
Soldiers Of The Dammed
Language: English
Year of production: 2015
Director: Mark Nuttall
Length of film: 1 hour 39 minutes
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It's the Eastern front during World War 2. The Russians are pushing the German Army back through Romania. Major Kurt Fleischer, war weary commander of an elite troop of German soldiers, is ordered to escort a female scientist into a mysterious forest behind enemy lines to retrieve an ancient relic.Sinopsis:
En la frontera Este durante la II Guerra Mundial. Los rusos están empujando a los alemanes hacia Rumanía. Al Mayor Kurt Fleischer, comandante de una tropa de élite de soldados alemanes y cansado de la guerra, le ordenan escoltar a una científica a un misterioso bosque tras las líneas enemigas para recuperar una reliquia antigua.BEST FEATURE FILM
The nominations for the best Feature Film (Presented by Oti Ga Diaz-Ambrona from Marbella Town Hall)
1. Soldiers of the Damned
2. Blood Orange
3. North V South
The winner is: North V South (Received by producers; Benjamin Foottit, Mark Foligno)
North v South
Language: English
Year of production: 2015
Director: Steven Nesbit
Length of film: 1 hour 37 minutes
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Two star crossed lovers navigate through all - out war between the North and South criminal underworlds.Sinopsis:
Dos enamorados tratan de encontrar una salida entre dos bandas criminales, una establecida en el Norte y otra en el Sur de Inglaterra. Será un romance sangriento.Below you’ll find the screening program for the 10th Marbella International Film Festival and the important dates that you just won’t want to miss. Screenings will take place between 7th and 11th October 2015 at Teatro Goya Puerto Banus, Marbella.
You can download a web friendly low-res version of our 2015 screening brochure by clicking here.
Registration, Events, Workshops & Parties
- Registration: Every day at H10 from 11.00 to 12.00 midday starting Wednesday 7th October
- Networking event: coffee moorings every day at H10 from 11.00 to 12.00 midday.
- Workshops: Every day at H10 from 12.00 to 13.00, please refer to workshops program
- After Parties: 10pm Till Late
- Thursday 8th October 2015. H10 Party. at Andalucía Hotel
- Friday 9th October 2015. The glamour red carpet Party. Old Joys, front line Puerto Banus
- Saturday 10th October. Festival Party, Lasala. Puerto Banus
- Opening ceremony: Teatro Goya, Puerto Banus,6.00pm Wednesday 7th October (subject to change)
- Awards ceremony cocktail reception: Sunday 11th October 7.30pm. H10 Andalucía plaza
- Gala dinner awards ceremony: Sunday 11th October 8.30pm. H10 Andalucía plaza
Wednesday 7th October
6.00pm Opening Ceremony
Screen One
4.30pm – The Cart 76 min India
8.00pm – Far Too Far 120 min USA
Screen Two
4.00pm – True Smile (D) 82min Spain
5.00pm – Eternal (D) 25min Spain
8.00pm – Shorts Group B (8 films) 85 min
Thursday 8th October
Screen One
4.00pm – 30 – Love 100 min USA
6.00pm – Single in South Beach 90 min USA
8.00pm – Casual Encounter 100 min USA
Screen Two
4.00pm – CE Mark For Sale (D) 60min Nt
5.00pm – Street Kids (D) 97 min Brazil
7.00pm – Shorts Group C (6 films ) 100 min
Friday 9th October
Screen One
4.30pm – Soldiers of Damned 100min UK
6.30pm – Blood Orange 90 min UK
8.00pm – Rise of Krays 110 min UK
Screen Two
4.00pm – Shorts Group A (6 films) 101 min
6.00pm – The Dead Still Have Names (D) 80 min
7.30pm – The Judgment 110 min Germany/Bulgaria/Croatia/Macedonia
Saturday 10th October
Screen One
2.00pm – Justice & Co 86 min Spain
4.00pm – Rumbling 91min Czech
6.00pm – Arthur & Merlin 100 min UK
8.00pm – North vs South 100 min UK
Screen Two
2.00pm – Almost Friends 60 min Israel
3.00pm – Shorts Group B (8 film) 85 min
5.00pm – Box25 (D) 75 min Panama
6.00pm – In Another Life (S) 30min Japan
7.00pm – A Dark Rome 100 min Italy
Sunday 11th October
Screen One
2.00pm – Silhouette Secrets (D) 60 min UK
3.00pm – To Life (D) 95 min Germany
5.00pm – Shorts Group C (6 films) 100 min
Screen Two
2.00pm – Christmas Star 80 min UK
4.00pm – Shorts Group A (6 films) 101 min
Shorts Groups
Group A ( 6 films 94 min)
1. Stela 20 min Spain,
2. Ghost 25 min Spain
3. Entrepreneurs 26 min Spain
4. Any day now 20 min Spain
5. Bye bye dandelion (Anim) 3min UK
Group B ( 8 films 85 min)
1. Antivirus 23min Russia
2. Party of Two 15min Spain
3. Another love 20min UK
4. The Parting shot 6 min USA
5. Lost in escapade 15min Georgia/UEA
6. Peima belev (Anim) 6 min Israel
Group C ( 6 films 100 min)
1. Territorie 25 min France
2. Soldad 14 min Spain
3. Cinnamon 11 min UK
4. A changed man 10min UK
5. Centurion 7 min UK
6. Artificio Conceal 18 min USA
7. Daewit (Anim) 15 min Germany
Shorts 2015
A Changed Man
Language: English
Year of production: 2015
Director: Sam Prior
Length of film: 9 minutes
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Logan has been bad, very bad. He's dumped his fiancé, seduced her friends, and ran off for a hedonistic holiday in Thailand. But he knows he made a big mistake, and now he wants her back.Sinopsis:
Logan ha sido malo, muy malo. Ha abandonado a su pareja, seducido a sus amigas y huido hacia unas vacaciones hedonistas en Tailandia. Pero él sabe que cometió un gran error y ahora quiere que ella vuelva.Another Love
Language: English
Year of production: 2015
Director: Victor Perez
Length of film: 20 minutes
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A pregnant married woman struggles to tell a much older man that their affair is over.Sinopsis:
Una mujer casada y embarazada lucha por contarle a un hombre mucho mayor que ella que su historia ha terminado.Antivirus
Language: Russian
Year of production: 2015
Director: Svetlana Axford
Length of film: 23 minutes
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Whilst trying to find the origin of social protests and revolutions, researchers from a Russian scientific research institute discover that a virus is the cause. It appears to be the main threat to stability of governments all over the world. An antivirus needs to be found.Sinopsis:
Mientras se trata de encontrar el origen de las revoluciones y protestas sociales, investigadores rusos descubren que la causa es un virus. Parece ser la principal amenaza contra la estabilidad de los gobiernos de todo el mundo. Es necesario encontrar el antivirus.Any Day Now
Language: English
Year of production: 2015
Director: Albert Uria
Length of film: 20 minutes
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A short, sweet comedy about how short (and sweet) life can be...Sinopsis:
Una corta y dulce comedia sobre lo corta y dulce que puede ser la vida…Artificio Conceal
Language: English
Year of production: 2014
Director: Ayoub Qanir
Length of film: 18 minutes
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A victim of a simulated reality is left without identity.Sinopsis:
Una víctima de una realidad simulada es abandonada sin identidad.Centurion
Language: English
Year of production: 2015
Director: Glyn Carter
Length of film: 6 minutes
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It's the morning after. Phil feels good. Sam discovers the reason for this: She's the 100th woman he's been to bed with. She doesn't know whether to be more outraged at the number, or the fact the he counted and gave scores on a spreadsheet.Sinopsis:
Es la mañana de después. Phil se siente bien. Sam descubre la razón: Ella es la mujer número 1oo con la que se ha acostado. Ella no sabe si estar más enfadada por el número o por el hecho de que él las cuenta y las puntúa en una hoja de cálculo.Cinnamon
Language: English
Year of production: 2014
Director: Shahid Kamal
Length of film: 10 minutes
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Struggle of a child trying to cope with the abuse of his mum by his violent dad who is also mayor of the town.Sinopsis:
La lucha de un niño que trata de hacer frente al abuso que sufre su madre por parte de su violento padre, que además es el alcalde de la ciudad.Entrepreneurs ‘014
Language: Spanish
Year of production: 2015
Director: Jesús Salvo
Length of film: 26 minutes
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